The P2 Collaborative of Western New York is one of the communities of the Robert Wood Johnson “Aligning Forces for Quality” project. (I just realized I’ve never written about this excellent project! Must fix. They’re smart, methodical, data-driven and effective. There are 16 communities in the Aligning Forces project, and P2 is one.)
The P2 people are just brilliant – they’ve taken my e-Patient Boot Camp idea, intended for industry, and are breaking it down into packages for consumer/patients and for clinicians. Here are some links from today’s session with clinicians:
- YouTube link to record your own YouTubes from your webcam – no uploading needed
- “From God to Guide” excellent TEDx talk – Parkinson’s doc & his actual patient
- – doctor social media community – half a million docs in 87 specialties
- for orthopedics (Thanks to @HJLuks for both these)
- for cardiologists (@MarilynMann)
- HIPAA flyer including Seinfeld clip about Elaine trying to get her record, and being labeled “difficult”
We had a very productive two days with e-patient Dave in deepening P2’s work in consumer, patient and provider engagement. Dave is the BEST and we are very proud to be working with him!