What a fascinating experience this self-publishing is. You compose the book in Word, save as PDF, and upload it. If you did everything right, within 24 hours they say “Okay, go!” And it’s instantly available for sale.
And if you want to do a revised edition – e.g. to fix 7,000 typos….. or a major rewrite, or anything…. well, just upload another one. NO COST.
This is sooo different from the print production cycle I grew up with. There, significant costs were incurred every time you make a new master, so you check check check check check before sending it to press. Today, it’s all digital. And Amazon’s CreateSpace wants to encourage people to just try it, so they charge nothing for uploading files. Not a penny for setting up a title, not a penny for changes.
SO I WENT AHEAD THIS MONTH and released the first version for print, without checking carefully. How interesting! And what feedback I already got from my empowered, engaged readers.
I love that the all-digital workflow means I can make use of all this feedback! So here’s what’s already in this updated edition:
- 7,000 typo fixes (more or less)
- The Acknowledgements section that I’d promised. (I’ll post that here soon, to spread the praise.)
- Added Dr. Danny Sands to the “About the author(s)” page
- Added a proper title page
- In the glossary, changed “paternal” to “paternalism” – Dr. Sands pointed out an important distinction I’d never noticed before. That too will be blogged.
- Added TM symbol to the Patients Included emblem. (Would you believe some commercial entities have been using it inappropriately and without permission?? Jeeze!)
- Several other tweaks to content – expanded footnotes, etc.
Also, on the back cover, the first “love notes” have been added.
If you want to be a reviewer too contact me – this is another area where a self-publisher doesn’t have a marketing department to do these things, so it’s do-it-yourself / make it up!
Did you receive a copy of the (now rare) first edition? If the spine of your copy says “v0.0”, you get half off this edition. Contact me.
For quantity discounts, contact me. Again, I’m makin’ this up as I go along. And it’s so cheap even at list price ($8) that some events are saying “I want a copy for everyone.”
That’s all for now – time to board the next plane! TTYL, and thanks for ordering!
If you want to be a reviewer too contact me –
Good! this ironic your contact me does not work! and I would like to be a reviewer!
Kathi, apologies for the URL typo – apparently the syntax for an in-site link is different on a blog post than on one of the site’s pages. I typed to fast before boarding the next flight and didn’t test.
Thank YOU for being empowered & engaged, and speaking up!