The current promotion below has ended but here’s a new one, through April 20.
Yes, this new patient engagement handbook, about which Eric Topol said “This book will unquestionably help many individuals become more active and fully engaged in their health care” and @Berci said “Every medical student must read this book.” A free download, two days only.
Get it here! Wednesday update: We appear to be crashing the site – sometimes it says “site not available” – sorry, please try again after a while! The correct URL is indeed www.eburon.nl/tedxnijmegen?language_code=en
But also, read the fine print. Here:
The fine print:
- This is a free “preview edition.” It has bugs. (Yes, an ebook can have bugs!) Some hot-links don’t work, and the endnotes will be improved.
- When the final version is ready, you can download it. (You’ll register on the site.)
- This is the .ePub format, not Kindle. Yes, there will be a Kindle edition (sooner than I expected). In the shopping cart, you’ll get a link to download the .ePub file. You’ll also get an email containing links to both the epub and the .mobi file (for Kindle).
What? Free eBook?
Last week you said NO eBook yet!
Yeah, I know. Let me tell you about my Dutch buddy @LucienEngelen.
Around him, things ALWAYS tip to the Crazy end of the scale – and then the world changes.
- He created the TEDx Maastricht event in 2011 where I did my now-famous talk, which ended with the chant “Let Patients Help.”
- He did that event again in 2012, then moved it to his home town of Nijmegen, an hour from Amsterdam. TEDx Nijmegen is happening today.
- He loves this book, and convinced me to make it a free download during the conference.
- The good people at Eburon.NL rushed the conversion over the weekend(!) and put it on their site. (Lucien has fast-moving friends.)
- As we talked, the idea grew – to all of Holland, for 2 days, so people could download it when they get home.
- Then I said “We can’t say no to my buddies elsewhere.”
So here we are: free for ANYONE, anywhere in the world, until midnight Tuesday, Dutch time. That’s 6 pm Tuesday Boston time, 3 pm Tuesday in California, etc. Go get it now! And tell friends.
ePub? What’s that? How do I read it?
You’re on your own here – I googled “free epub reader” and found one for my Android, one for my iPad (iBooks is the one to get, they say), and I think Kindles can read ePub too. But I really don’t know enough to give advice… but the book is free today, so grab it and figure it out later!
If you know about ePub, speak up in the comments!
Yeah, like everything Lucien does, we’re diving in, not yet knowing what it will take. But committed to change.
OUTSTANDING! Bonus: learned how to add books to iTunes 11. Win all around!!
Kindle and Nook support .epub and PC users can download the free Kindle Previewer to get a virtual Kindle on screen.
Kindle Previewer also available for Mac OSX 10.6 and later. Download either at http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000765261
Please note that we offer both an .ePub (for most iOS/Android ereading apps) and .mobi version (for Kindle users) in the download link!
Thanks – I didn’t realize that.
In the shopping cart, the download link only seems to give me a .epub file. (Is that correct?) But the email you send does contain both links. Thank you – it didn’t occur to me to check!
Those who’ve started to accumulate quite few ebooks (in just about any format, ePUB or otherwise) may also want to check out Calibre. It’s a cross-platform, free/libre open source ebook library manager and viewer. I’ve found it extremely useful, especially since it’s not tied to one particular book format or portable gizmo.
I just double clicked on the file name, and Adobe Digital Edition came up on my PC, allowing me to read. Beats “half off”! Thanks, Dave
Cant seem to be able to download to PC?
Hi Duncan – sorry you’re having a problem – could you contact Eburon? I’m heading to the airport.
Did you also try the link in the email?
Please come back and let me know how it works out – I’ll be online again within 24 hours.
Thank you for sharing this publication. Much appreciated Dave!
It seems that your book can only be downloaded one way and that app requires allowing it access to all of one’s Facebook information. None of the other links work. Not impressed!
Pat, I can’t tell what you’re talking about – hundreds of people have downloaded, and I tested it a bunch of ways, and never once did it get anywhere near Facebook info.
I can’t help without more specific information…
First of all, the link given on the ACOR CLL site comes up as site not found. When I put the book title in the search box information about the offer does come up. I followed the directions given and was told I needed an app to download the book – Readmill, which is free. I downloaded the app and followed the directions to then continue my download. Everything was fine until I got to the end. I was given two options – allow the app access to all of my Facebook information or cancel. I tried the link given above by one of the commenters for OSX – I have an i pad – and
ended up in the same place. Others above have mentioned various ways to download the book, but without links. I tried some of the sites, but the book doesn’t come up.
Pat, I’m sorry you’re having trouble but I had nothing to do with the ACOR CLL site. Please don’t get mad at me (“not impressed”) for something I can’t control. Similarly I have no way of knowing what search box you’re talking about, and I’ve never heard of Readmill. Sorry.
Did you try using the link on THIS page?? At top, where it says “Get it here”??
I’m afraid I can’t help any more – as I said, I’m giving the book away for free; maybe someone else can help you get the software you need.
One more thing, Pat – I’m sorry you’re having a bad experience but I wonder – since we don’t know each other, maybe this web page gave you the idea that I’m a big slick publishing company. I’m not – I’m just an ACOR cancer patient like you, who’s trying to make a new career out of evangelizing for a better role for patients in medicine. This self-publishing thing lets me LOOK like a real company, but believe me, I’m not.
If you thought I was a big company I can see how this might look like “not impressed.” But then again, I’m not the one who posted a bad link on the ACOR site, y’know? Sigh…
The link you posted today is the same one that was posted on the ACOR site. I went to the link given on this page and ended up on the order page for eburon. That page directed me to the app which requires all of my Facebook information to be allowed. I tried serval other apps, but the book doesn’t come up. It may be, as you have said today, that you have crashed the site. Your link with that message still comes up as site not found. One has to type the title of your book in the search box to get to your page, but the site still doesn’t work for me. I understand your position, and would be the first to recommend your book to others if I felt it contained valuable information, just as I have recommended other books, Facebook pages, and web sites to fellow blood cancer patients. I would have liked to see even a little of what it included.
I have not had a problem downloading other books, free or for a price, so I don’t know what is wrong with this site, but I’m not about to give anyone permission to access all of my Facebook information. I wish you well. Maybe someday I will have a chance to see what you have written.
Pat and all,
Partly because of the issues some people had, now that the finished book is out, I’ve decided to REPEAT THE FREE DOWNLOAD.
Now through Saturday, the book can be downloaded in any ebook format (Kindle, PDF, ePub for iBook, etc), and there’s also a 50% off coupon for the print edition on Amazon.
See details here: https://www.epatientdave.com/2013/04/17/book-promotion-awesome-deals-on-let-patients-help-this-week-only