With Dr. Danny Sands
Introduction by Eric Topol MD
A concise, action-oriented handbook on how to do what medicine calls “patient engagement” – an activated, empowering partnership between patients and their medical professionals.
“I am a better doctor for having read this book. It is clear, concise, and practical. It contains powerful truths that will help both patients and providers (and all the organizations that support them) work together towards what really matters.”
— Laith Bustani, MD, Kingston (Ontario) General Hospital
For more praise, see below.
Where to buy (in eight languages!):
1. English:
- Amazon (in English; print edition $10 or Kindle $6): Amazon US / UK / France / Deutschland
- eBook, $6 on Smashwords (ePub for iBook, PDF, Kindle, etc)
- I can arrange quantity discounts with slower delivery than Amazon. Write to the priority address on the contact page.
2. Spanish (Feb. 2014): “¡Dejad que los pacientes ayuden!”
- Print edition, on Amazon’s CreateSpace self publishing site
- Kindle edition, on Amazon
3. Dutch (Nov. 2013):
- eBook – email for information

4. Greek (Nov 2013): “Οι ασθενείς µπορούν να βοηθήσουν!”
- Free downloadable PDF (828 kb) on the Patients In Power conference site
5. Hungarian (Jan 2016): “Engedjük a beteget segíteni!”
- Available on Kindle.
6. German (June 2014): “Lasst Patienten mithelfen”
- It’s part 1 of the new German textbook “Gesundheit 2.0” (health 2.0) on Amazon.DE
7. French (Nov. 2014): “Impliquons les Patients!”
- Available on Kindle. Print edition may be available later.
8. Chinese (2015): 请患者参与
- Print edition only. Available for sale only in China.
From the book’s sale page:
Concise reasons, tips & methods for making patient engagement effective.
The third book by e-Patient Dave, cancer beater, blogger, internationally known keynote speaker and advocate for patient engagement; co-founder and past co-chair of the Society for Participatory Medicine.
It’s concise – less than 100 pages, takes 60-90 minutes to read – because I want people to READ it all. And DO IT. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about medicine in recent years, it’s this rhyme:
Useful advice is often concise.
It’s a book of lists:
- Part 1: Ten Fundamental Truths
- Part 2: Ten Ways to Let Patients Help
- Part 3: Tip Sheets
As the subtitle suggests, this book is about partnership between patients and professionals. It tells why it’s valid and important for medicine to listen to patients, with specific how-to’s on making it a reality. A patient engagement handbook.
In keeping with that spirit, I managed to talk some slick doctors into contributing:
“With Dr. Danny Sands”
My famous primary physician, Dr. Danny Sands, is not only on the cover, he’s in the pages: he wrote some of them. In part 3 (Tip Sheets) he wrote:
- Ten Things Clinicians Say That Encourage Patient Engagement
- Ten Things Clinicians Say (or do) That Discourage Patient Engagement
- For Patients: Collaborating Effectively with Your Clinicians
- Dr. Danny Sands’ Rules for Smart Web Use
Regular readers will know that Dr. Sands has been a pioneer of patient engagement since the 1990s. Way back then he…
- co-created the first medical record system and patient portal at our hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess
- co-authored the first published guidelines on how to do doctor-patient email successfully
- became a friend and colleague of “Doc Tom” Ferguson, founder of the e-patient movement.
(Why does Danny Sands not have a Wikipedia page??)
Introduction by Eric J. Topol, M.D.
I’m really thrilled to be honored that the amazing Eric Topol wrote the introduction. Read the full text of it here: “This book will unquestionably help many individuals become more active and fully engaged in their health care.”
If you don’t know Dr. Topol’s name, here are a few glimpses:
- His excellent January appearance on NBC Rock Center with Brian Williams: The key to better health care may already be in your pocket… and it’s not your wallet
- His important book Creative Destruction of Medicine
- His TED talk The Wireless Future of Health. He nailed it – and that was in 2009! (When a visionary like that says this book is right on, I have reason to be thrilled.)
Praise for Let Patients Help!
“I am a better doctor for having read this book. It is clear, concise, and practical. It contains powerful truths that will help both patients and providers (and all the organizations that support them) work together towards what really matters.
“Dave’s story is a testament to the power of people working together to accomplish amazing things against all odds. That’s what we need to do. This is how to start doing it.”
— Laith Bustani, MD, Kingston (Ontario) General Hospital
“If you’re interested in getting up to speed fast on patient engagement, Let Patients Help is your passport.”
— Susannah Fox, Pew Internet and American Life Project (blog post here)
“Simply, bravo! … The Ten Fundamental Truths About Health and Care not only confronts the license we all have to be engaged in our own care but also comfortably helps us use it for a collective good.”
–Jim Conway (see blog post), senior quality and safety leader (former senior VP at IHI ; former EVP and COO at Dana Farber Cancer Institute)
“Will unquestionably help many individuals become more active and fully engaged in their health care.”
From the introduction by Eric J. Topol, MD
“There’s not a doctor or patient in the land who won’t benefit from reading this clear, concise manual which sets out how each can contribute and collaborate to get better and safer healthcare.”
Dr. Tessa Richards, Analysis Editor, British Medical Journal
“The culture change that will cure medicine.”
“A must read – a clarion call for the culture change that will cure medicine. If enough people – patients, clinicians, researchers – read this book and act on its wisdom, health and care will be changed, forever, for the better.”
Michael Seid, PhD, Professor, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Co-Principal Investigator, C3N Project
“Every medical student must read your book.
How shall we achieve that?”
Bertalan @Berci Meskó, MD, PhD, medical innovator, Webicina.com, author of the award-winning Scienceroll.com
Questions about the book
- Why just $8?
Because I want a gazillion people to buy and read this. I want the decision to be a no-brainer: if you’re at all interested, buy it and read it. And heck, get one for someone else.
- Volume discounts? I want one for everyone at my conference.
What, you want discounts off EIGHT BUCKS?? Okay; write to me – dave at epatientdave.com
More questions? Ask in comments below, or email me.
Thank you to everyone who’s supported my work for the past three years, to get to the point where this book is not just possible, but a reality.
Praise from @Berci (Bertalan Meskó MD, PhD) of ScienceRoll, Webicina and Semmelweiss University:
“Every medical student must read your book. How shall we achieve that?”
From Matthew Holt of The Health Care Blog and the Health 2.0 conference empire, on Facebook: “e-Patient Dave, never short of enthusiasm or snark! … VERY easy to read.”
From @ChristineKraft on Twitter: “A meme a minute … you are a master… As I round p. 29 I am struck by how you metabolize so many complex and somewhat controversial ideas.”
@ChristineKraft again, an hour later: “Uplifted. Your book makes a tremendous contribution, @ePatientDave. Not a single sentence wasted. Book group must-read!”
From Eric Topol’s introduction:
“Dave deBronkart’s new book is exceptionally timely. Instead of the old way of the authoritative doctor, we need to welcome and nurture a partnership model whereby each patient is fully engaged, informed, activated and intimately involved”
Dear Dave,
I was looking for links in this page to the translations of the book but they are missing.
I will just give here the link to the Greek Translation (http://www.patientsinpower.gr/files/_e-patient-dave/e-patient-dave.pdf) that was translated, published and distributed to the participants of the 2nd Patients in Power Conference/Athens/Greece last November, at which @e-Patient Dave directed his 3rd Bootcamp: “Let Patients Help”. Now, it can be also downloaded from the above link for those who had not attended the conference.
I have some thoughts about making more widely known this phantastic little book about patient empowerment and engagement to cancer patients in Europe and I would like to know if besides the already available translations in other languages, i.e. Hungarian and Dutch, there are eventually in preparation translations in other European languages.
Hi Kathi! We haven’t yet pulled together all the information on the other translations. Thanks for this reminder to get moving on that.
Loved the book, Dave! In fact, I bought 15-20 (can’t recall) to give to customers.
I can’t think of a better initial author of Danny Sands wikipedia page than you ;-}