
Copying this from Facebook last night …
You will soon encounter this recurring antivax / Deep State conspiracy scammer Judy Mikovits, who’s now in a conspiracy movie “Plandemic,” including attacking her long-ago boss Anthony Fauci. The movie ads and promo clips going around are credible-looking well-produced videos full of BS. Don’t fall for it.
This insane movie says COVID-19 is a planned epidemic (“Plandemic,” get it?) that can be traced back to John D Rockefeller and a Hitler-related pharma company trying to take over the world, in a conspiracy now supported by Bill Gates.
No. “Join the Rational Resistance,” as HIV/AIDS activist Peter Staley (who ACTUALLY got life-saving results in his health crusade, through actual science) says:
You’ve all been swindled by the anti-vax movement. Just add ‘Fauci’ to the title, spend enough on production to make it look like a documentary, release it during the peak craziness of [people] hating on experts, and you have yourself a viral hit. … Mikovits has disease-hopped with multiple conspiracies over the years, and she finally struck gold.
Here’s one takedown of the movie. Others are linked below. As credible as she sounds, this woman is a persuasive fraud whose topic keeps changing, and now it’s coronavirus.
Mikovits published a paper in 2009 on a possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, a study that no other lab has been able to replicate. That’s a giant red flag. Then she herself could not replicate it and has said she feels wronged for being criticized for being unable to get the same result again. Um, if you can’t make it happen again, it ain’t science.
This is flat-out quackery, and everyone outside the conspiracy theory world says so:
- The Wikipedia article on her says “Two of the co-authors … reanalyzed the samples … and found that they were contaminated with XMRV plasmid DNA…” (That’s the substance that the paper had claimed causes CFS.)
- Those authors did a partial retraction, then the whole paper was retracted by the journal, she was fired, and she’s been disease-hopping ever since, claiming conspiracies.
- Here’s the Snopes article (2018) on the then-viral story “Was a Scientist Jailed After Discovering a Deadly Virus Delivered Through Vaccines?” (They rated it flat-out “False,” not even “Mixed.”). Snopes did an incredibly deep job of digging up details on this long story and Mikovits’s conspiracy claims.
- Here’s the Retraction Watch article – one of the most respected, objective observers of science. (They say they’ve had so much traffic in the past few days it’s sometimes crashed their site.)
Judy Mikovits has a lot of fans but she is a fraud and a quack, as all the evidence shows. Don’t fall for it – especially don’t fall for madness that ties COVID-19 to a Deep State conspiracy theory going back to Hitler. Jeepers, people.
As additional commentaries come in I’ll add some here.
Why It’s Important To Push Back On ‘Plandemic’—And How To Do It by Forbes health blogger Tara Haelle is a long, detailed breakdown of the fraud and disinformation perpetrated by Mikovits and Plandemic, with links to numerous other articles, some of which I’ve linked to here. She also underscores why it’s important to fight back. Some headings:
- The video looks, sounds and feels like a documentary even though it isn’t
- This video successfully employs “pathos” and “ethos” to persuade people (Aristotle’s “ethos, pathos and logos” forms of persuasion)
- Ethos is an appeal to the credibility and authority of the speaker
- Pathos is an appeal to emotion. … The video uses stock images of a SWAT team arrest to make it look like she was arrested at home in a major operation—but that’s unrelated stock footage.
- Logos is an appeal to facts and logic. This is where the film falls flat….
- So what do you do when someone shares it?
- First, don’t call them or the video crazy. … [This is where I don’t have the patience…]
- Why should I bother saying anything at all? Can’t I just ignore it?
- Conspiracy theories like those in this video are actively, directly harmful and dangerous. …
- Does speaking up even matter? Will it make a difference? Yes.
- Where can I get a good debunking of it all? [Links to five more in-depth destructions of the film, beyond the ones I have here.]
Chris Jacobsen, an Argonne National Fellow at Argonne National Labs, has posted a lengthy and detailed breakdown of Mikovits and this movie. Excerpt:
“Plandemic” seems to say that she alone knows the truth, and all other scientists are in on some sort of conspiracy against her and against us all. Here’s why I do not believe her:
- “Science is ultimately based on reproducibility, and agreement with experimental results. One can point over and over again to radical ideas which were met with skepticism at first, but eventually were accepted not because some old boys club said they were right but because the idea provided a better fit to what we observe, and these observations could be repeated by anyone. …”
BigThink’s piece The anti-vaxx agenda of ‘The Plandemic’ points out “Mikovits … has become a minor celebrity on the anti-vaxx circuit. Her interview [in the film] doubles as a promotion for her latest book, which is based on an ongoing war she’s waging with Dr. Anthony Fauci. Her Twitter feed is filled with anti-Fauci rhetoric alongside glee that Donald Trump is now listening to her. She has explicitly called for the entire leadership of the COVID-19 response team to be fired.
“Mikovits’ story is not unlike Andrew Wakefield’s, the discredited British physician who was paid to invent the vaccine-autism “conspiracy.” [I had not known Wakefield was paid to fabricate all that data! Jeeze! From the BMJ: Wakefield “had been confidentially put on the payroll two years before the paper was published, eventually grossing him £435 643, plus expenses.]
ZDoggMD (Dr Zubin Damania) has this frustrated attack: “I am SHOOK … that Americans are so fricking stupid as to take even a second of this horrible, garbage, conspiracy nonsense seriously.” (He does say it’s so bad he won’t spend time debunking it; I’m only including it here because millions of people know his credibility.)
Some docs on Facebook have taken time to walk through specific items. Leave me links to others in comments if you find some.
- ER doc Nick Brandehoff, May 6
- Pathologist Kat Montgomery, May 6 – refutes (often with links) several specific assertions Mikovits makes
Guess there aren’t any bio warfare labs in the world. Guess the Jews weren’t experimented on. Guess the Indigenous people weren’t experimented on. Guess blacks in America weren’t experimented on.
I know the answer, Turner, but what does any of that have to do with Mikovits being a discredited anti-vax quack? Or are you saying that’s all related to the Rockefeller-Hitler-Gates conspiracy?
If someone wanted to silence her and her findings it makes perfect sense. That doesn’t make her a quack. Furthermore she wasn’t prosecuted charges were dropped, if this were all true then she would have been convicted and charged.
Everything being removed from the media is because they’re being directed too. I bet you still believe Benghazi was the result of the YouTube video that was supposedly leaked which was NOT created by the Hillary Obama clan too, right?Here we have a fine specimen of what-about-ism, with not a word about the assertions that she’s a quack scientist. “What about Benghazi?” “The media is being directed.” “What about Hillary Obama?”
What a crock, looks like damage control via an absurd article to me. Maybe if you say fraud and quack enough you’ll believe your own article.
Dear Not,
Is there anything specific the post said that you want to argue against?
Don’t forget about the MilitatyI will certainly not forget about the Militaty. :-)
(All, this is from the same commenter who diverted in another comment to Benghazi, Hillary, “the media is being directed” etc.)
Just because I’m crazy doesn’t mean the clowns are not trying to eat me.
Well said
I guess you can make anything they want to believe into truth because “guess…”
Guess what? Science isn’t about guessing. Stop it. For your own well being and everyone else’s.
3 years later and now all those “conspiracies” about the Vid don’t seem so wrong now, do they?
I’m pretty sure you don’t even realize what you just said, which illustrates the sloppy thinking of people who are fans of this movie.
If you respond and want to know what I mean by that, we’ll continue.
Hello, if you don’t mind i have to reply in a couple of ways.
It is noble to beat the system at its own game. So congratulations to you. And i am hoping you are well and eating healthy foods and breathing fresh air.
These are two distinct rights, not constitutional privileges, even when having been born into this society.
Now. About this video (abbreviated? 25-minute version… guessing it’s not the entire thing) ..
No one has yet explained how ludicrous it must be to question the Italian government’s inoculation procedures.Meanwhile, what statistics do we have on the number of wrongly reported and real deaths and/or near morbid symptoms of covid-19 in people who were involved with an earlier SARS or H1N1 inoculation.You do know how this medical profession, schooled in the ways of pharmaceuticals, does all sorts of damage to the elderly with even the advice to take over-the-counter pills from the biggest lobbyists in DC.And i will never say medicine again .. because it wasn’t once. it wasn’t twice. And it certainly wasn’t the third time either.
You know. In your Ethics class — something Trump and many many govt people (who are govt people only because of wanting a job that provided security etc etc and bumps up the ladder). BUT NEVER during those formal education classes (if they even had them and could remember taking them) thought a thing other than what was outside that classroom. This is the Ethics of our government people. At the top. They are nothing but speed-bumps to honesty, integrity and most of all ingenuity and sheer intelligence and brilliance in things that they do not even have a whisper of grasping. . . Bombs and ammunition they understand. That’s, in a nutshell, how dumb this society has become.Without congratulations for your backing. Isn’t that where it really hurts most.
I guess quacks will always believe quacks, they are always right! Even when they are wrong.
Folks, I’m going to reply to a few comments from Mikovits supporters, but with some ground rules.
I’ll tolerate discussion of the two points I made in this post: 1) Mikovits is a crock scientist; 2) the idea put forth in “Plandemic” that this coronavirus is a PLANNED EPIDEMIC is another crock. But I have no obligation to entertain subject changes, tangents, or unscientific thinking.
Conspiracy theory people have trouble sticking to the topic: they tend to change the subject constantly, which is exactly what you find in people who don’t have a clue about science. Science requires that we focus on “What are we studying here? What specifically are we analyzing?” It DEPENDS on isolating and excluding confounding factors that aren’t squarely in focus. (Mikovits’s famous study got screwed up because the samples got contaminated – her lab didn’t control the process successfully, which is why nobody else could get the same result!) (And now she complains that she’s not being treated fairly.)
Before we had science, we had witchcraft, and it really didn’t work out well for medical problems (not to mention for the accused women). Science has brought us public health, ability to identify (measurably) what clean food and air and water are, medicines that work and vaccines that work. So people live a lot longer than they used to. Because of science.
I will not tolerate discussion from people who don’t think that’s true, and that it all came from science.
Same for “WhatAbout-ism” – “a conversational tactic in which a person responds to an argument or attack by changing the subject to focus on someone else’s misconduct.” (Note that the Wikipedia article on it says it’s a tool that was particularly used in Soviet and Russian propaganda to change the subject.)
WE ARE IN AN EMERGENCY, AND IRRATIONAL BULLSHIT WILL NOT SAVE US. I will only tolerate focused discussion of specific items aimed at solving the COVID-19 crisis that’s killing thousands of people a day.
I will in some case strike-through irrelevant things people post (leaving them visible), to illustrate some commenters’ diversions and inability to focus on specifics.
Amen brother. Because we don’t accept what were told and have open minds to other perspectives were stupid. I think the oppositeThe western medicine gives no credit to herbal or plant based proven methods. Modern medicine rather treats all illnesses with prescriptions. Isn’t the bases of medicine benefit over risk. Why would I take blood pressure medicines that may cause serious risks including erectile dysfunction, ulcers etc. While I can take dandelions, mango leaf tea or other natural alternatives with low to zero adverse reactions. The truth is if it can’t be packaged for profit it’s not considered medicine.She mentions several theories but my overall impression isn’t that it’s covid19 was planned. I do believe they are opportunistic.Hi. I too am shaken by what is going on. I am more shaken that this week, several close friendships are beyond repair because I refuse to worship Dr. Mikovits, one of my friends claims to know her well. I have also lost another close friend to COVID Easter Sunday. She is dead.
My world has fallen apart and I am furious that quacks like this are hoping to profit. My parents were journalists and sought the truth, at great peril.
Thank you also for upholding facts to flush out a fear mongering ghoul like Mikovits and her ilk.
You know what you know and you don’t know what you don’t know. Yours is clearly the latter.I am so glad I found this common sense site! I thought I was the only one with any left, who still believed in science!
To respond to Anonymous above, who said “she wasn’t prosecuted charges were dropped, if this were all true then she would have been convicted and charged.”- surely you know the legal system better than this! Having charges dropped neither proves nor disproves anything. But if you read more about her employer, it looks like her employer was shady and dropped the charges because they didn’t want their name dragged through a trial.
What makes it sound like WPI was shady? (I don’t know a thing about them – just asking)
You should listen to her she tells you why
..I work In western medicine and WILL NOT take any medications because i see all the side effects from them..you cant trust ANY of our systems anymore..they NEVER tell you the whole truthAll these articles against Plandemic, including the current one are concentrating on the background of Mikovits. Even assuming that she is a crook, liar, call-her-what-you-want, the question is:
Is Dr. Fauci guilty of conflict-of-interest. Yes or no. Just the shere number of people replying to the Plandemic story and all of them concentrating on the background of Milkovits and not on Dr. Fauci gives the clear indication that there is something wrong.Please correct me if I am wrong.
Apparently you didn’t read my note that I won’t tolerate changes of subject. My post is about two things:
1) Mikovits is a quack.
2) The movie is INSANE when it says COVID-19 is a planned epidemic.
What is wrong with you, that you come here and say the real question is whether Fauci is guilty of something, when my post didn’t say anything ABOUT Fauci? This is what I meant when I said conspiracy theorists have no ability to stick to the subject.
Here, read this point-by-point debunking of some of the movie’s claims, by a doctor who actually knows what’s happened in this field. You’ll see that Mikovits is full of … hot air? “All flu vaccines contain coronaviruses” – false. etc. https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.weber.montgomery/posts/10113287265749743
Please, Sreeram, THINK! Think CAREFULLY!
Why should we believe youYour claims are baseless.. You have no evidence of why u claimed she is a quack.. I wonder who’s padded ur pockets to try to discredit this woman? what is it in your interest? Give Me One Reason Why Fauci, Bill Gates or any of these other self-proclaimed gods of men are any more qualified to speak on a matter of viruses than her? Bill Gates has no medical background whatsoever, no scientific background whatsoever and yet you promote these psychopaths? These people have plenty to profit off but it’s not about money for them,it’s about power and control for them… And how come after all these years we still haven’t got any proof or any test that shows vaccines are effective whatsoever? On the contrary there’s tons of evidence that shows they are harmful. if you want to ignore that then you’re part of the problem.
I’m going to stop publishing comments like this but I’ll dissect this as one last example.
First, it’s just IGNORANT to come to any blog, NOT READ what it says, then declare it’s baseless. I will not tolerate ignorant discussion; every advance in our lives compared to 200 years ago has come from THINKING and science, not ignorance. If you don’t want to think, then stay away from here.
> Why should we believe youYour claims are baseless.. You have no evidence of why u claimed she is a quack..
Well no; I posted numerous links that document the specific things she said that are false.
> I wonder who’s padded ur pockets to try to discredit this woman?
> Give Me One Reason Why Fauci, Bill Gates or any of these other self-proclaimed
> gods of men are any more qualified to speak on a matter of viruses than her?
I said nothing about them. I said she is a quack. btw, you don’t need to capitalize all those words, but I’m going to guess you didn’t do too well in school.
Bill Gates has no medical background whatsoever, no scientific background whatsoever and yet you promote these psychopaths? These people have plenty to profit off but it’s not about money for them,it’s about power and control for them…> And how come after all these years we still haven’t got
> any proof or any test that shows vaccines are effective whatsoever?
I suppose you think smallpox and polio are running rampant around the world, eh?
Please think about the brains or corrupt motives of people who taught you to think that.
On the contrary there’s tons of evidence that shows they are harmful. if you want to ignore that then you’re part of the problem.We out here are finally rising up against you ignorant, uninformed, mean and harmful anti-vax people. THINK. THINK.
So, yes, I’m correcting you. You know why all the people are commenting on Mikovits? BECAUSE SHE’S WHO THE MOVIE PRODUCERS PUT RIGHT UP FRONT.
Please think about why you can’t comprehend that people would respond TO WHAT THE PROMOTIONS SAY.
And I’m commenting on the madness of asserting that this pandemic was PLANNED. Do you take responsibility for backing that assertion?
The very word “plandemic” used by the Mikovitses suggests that this awful epidemic was planned. If they did not directly say it was deliberate in the video, they are cleverly using the subtle, indirect approach psychologists know as subliminal which can be more persuasive, which explains many of the comments.
It’s also untrue for some to say that only what is marketable by Big Pharma is medicine. While Big Pharma may have an unhealthy hold on healthcare in the US, in many other countries TCM (Traditional Complementary Medicine) comprising non-commercial folk treatments including herbal remedies is practised along with established pharmaceuticals, from both Big Pharma and cheaper generic equivalents, in mainstream medical practice. What is paramount is not necessarily Big Pharma or the state, but the basic scientific method of systematically proven effectiveness that’s replicable. I’m observing all these including the crazy beliefs of some people in the supposedly “scientific West” from Asia. As many parts of Asia modernise with science, parts of the US still retain the mentality of the witchcraft era. Such a pity.
Dave, any rational person just has to spend 2 minutes on the wikipedia page about that person. It’s a classical case. I can recognize from miles away anyone who tries to hide their failings by inventing a conspiracy theory.
You know me! I am one of the REAL reasons you are alive today, simply because I believe in science and built online communities for patients to become informed, engaged and in-charge of their medical choices. Dealing with this virus is no different in how we deal with cancer. With humility, honesty and open mind. Both the virus and cancer kill. It doesn’t offer the luxury of listening to cooks.
And, it needs to be said again, there is no treatment for stupidity. Dumb is dumb. If people are more interested in being right than being alive and well, there is nothing you or me can do!
What puzzles me about your screed against Dr. Mikovits is that it lacks any real evidence. That has come to be a common tactic of those who have no real evidence. Hmmmm.
Example: You cite: “Mikovits published a paper in 2009 on a possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, a study that no other lab has been able to replicate.”
So what? “possible causes” means just that.
Is it wrong to speculate in science when addressing a process that isn’t well understood by the scientific community?
The publication of that paper apparently met the standards of the publisher.
Let’s say she is wrong with that paper. That doesn’t make her a quack. Yet you’re making all these duck sounds accusing her of being a fraud without a shred of real evidence. And, please, citing discredited biased “fack checkers” does more harm than good to your case.
Let’s see some REAL evidence… because you provide nothing of substance to suggest Dr. Mikovits is the fraud you claim she is.
Bob, thank you for posting a solid discussion! I’ll go point by point, and if we were F2F you’d see that my body language is engaging, not hostile.
> Example: You cite: “Mikovits published a paper in 2009 on a possible cause
> of chronic fatigue syndrome” … So what? “possible causes” means just that.
Right! I didn’t say otherwise – clear? (Honest question)
> “… a study that no other lab has been able to replicate.”
THIS is where the problem is. As I said, if you can’t get the same result twice, it ain’t a scientific finding. (Agreed?)
And that in turn is why her co-authors revisited it, discovered the contamination, and did a partial retraction – something Mikovits did not participate in. That’s another giant red flag, similar to Wakefield refusing to participate in the retraction of his fraudulent vaccine paper by his co-authors.
> Is it wrong to speculate in science when addressing a process that isn’t well understood by the scientific community?
Not at all! I totally agree. That’s how science moves forward. But if the study is contaminated, and nobody can replicate it, and you complain about that fact, THAT is wrong. Not the speculation, but how you deal with an unrepeatable outcome. Outcomes that can’t be verified happen all the time, and are no sin.
> The publication of that paper apparently met the standards of the publisher.
Absolutely – and was later retracted by that publisher. (You may be familiar with the retraction process in journals; if not, the excellent science site I cited, Retraction Watch, has a lot of info. Their first post includes this:
>Let’s say she is wrong with that paper. That doesn’t make her a quack.
Yes, as I noted above, getting a result that can’t be reproduced happens all the time. It’s the refusal to admit it – and the complaint about being mistreated – that clearly marks her as no scientist at all, in my understanding. (Note, not IMO; in my understanding of what a scientist is.)
Then we have the many, many other false statements in the film, e.g. that all flu vaccines contain coronaviruses (what???) or that COPD lungs are identical to COVID-19 lungs. One pathologist (i.e. studies the signs of disease for diagnosis) on FB addresses those items and others in this post, though it didn’t exist when I wrote my post. (I’ll add it to my Additions section above.) https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.weber.montgomery/posts/10113287265749743
btw, in case you’re wondering, I’m the first to agree (and have blogged many times on e-patients.net) that there’s LOTS of mischief and malfeasance in science. Here we’re only talking about Mikovits.
> Yet you’re making all these duck sounds accusing her of being a fraud without a shred of real evidence.
As I suggest above, I think her behaving unscientifically is evidence. But I’m happy to discuss that further when we’ve reached agreement on my key point: it ain’t the bad initial result – it’s the refusal to say “Oops!” and move on, and (worst) to then claim injustice, that’s unscientific. (And yes, my definition of a quack would be someone who claims to be a scientist, refuses to act scientifically and then cries foul.)
> And, please, citing discredited biased “fack checkers” does more harm than good to your case.
Fair enough; please specify which fact checkers you think are discredited. (If you don’t mean all of my sources, then your argument’s a wee bit leaky :-)
Again, Bob, thank you very much – your comment is a real contribution and I’m happy to continue if you want.
Thank you for your very civil reply… and informative. I found it more helpful than the article.
It seems we do agree on most points.
Frankly, I have seen the viral video and thought it well-done, but a slick cover doesn’t make a good book. it’s the content that counts.
I have little sympathy for conspiracy theories and theorists. They create more harm than any perceived good.
I must admit I didn’t catch that statement about all flu vaccines contain coronaviruses!
I apologize for the typo “fack” vs. “fact”… and on the subject, I admit I was not as careful at that point as I should have been. I’m always somewhat leery of Wikipedia content because it is often abused. However, I do use it for certain information about which I can easily verify, and recognize its contribution to the internet. Yet a healthy skepticism about relying too heavily on Wikipedia will provide sufficient caution to have it be useful.
I believe I zoned in on Snopes because I had used that source years ago and had good interactions with the owners. However, things have changed and lately I find it not sufficiently reliable to use.
However, retraction watch, which I admit I seem to have had a blind spot at that point, appears to do a very thorough job and I appreciate learning about it.
While all three (Wikipedia, Snopes, Retraction Watch) have a process for validating information, only one of them is primarily what is generally considered a “fact checker” … and I admit my experience with snopes was the basis for my comment on that aspect of your article.
Again, thank you for your civil response, an all-too rare experience lately.
I did learn things from your comment and by pursuing more with Retraction Watch and Wikipedia, for which I am grateful to you.
My only suggestion is that in future articles, you focus a little more on the hard facts and less on some of the hyperbole (“BS” “insane” “quackery”)… even if you feel it justified, it can be a put-off for others.
A final thought… I find it unfortunate that certain platforms we all know about have taken to censoring content that is controversial. There is a lot to be gained by actually being able to see for oneself what an issue is all about. By censoring, those platforms do a disservice to everyone and make an internet martyr out of the very people they are trying to muffle.
Best regards,
Funny, Bob, since you posted this >24 hours ago I’ve been waiting until I had a REALLY CLEAR DECK before I sat down to read and reply to this, because I anticipated a lot more “mutual chewing points,” if you know what I mean. But there’s no chewing needed – I feel like we’re clearly aligned on where we disagree, and we’re both looking at those points without flames coming out of our ears. HurRAY for that; it feels like civil discourse did back when Humphrey and Dirksen would routinely have lunch together. (For those who don’t know, those two were leading US Senators in the Sixties, and the ability to talk with each other is why those Congresses passed lots of bills in those days.)
Honestly the reason for my vehement response in this post was because at the time I wrote it there were HUGE numbers of ill-informed people acting like the world’s greatest scandal had been uncovered, without having a CLUE what they’re talking about … a reality that’s been borne out by all the other people who’ve reported the same, and the many who’ve penned far more comprehensive rebuttals than I had the time to.
I’ll be happy to continue discussing things in email (if not here). But when there are lots of people who can’t think straight, screaming ignorant things and demanding action, it makes it hard to calmly isolate and evaluate specific issues, as you know, so thanks again for good exchange. As it is, the past week’s virus news has wrecked my May calendar.
p.s. Just tonight I listened to this thought provoking ten minute Daily Show interview with Sweden’s chief epidemiologist.
It is noteworthy that whoever wrote this states: “Um, if you can’t make it happen again, it ain’t science.” Yet I’ll bet that the author is a true believer in the unchallengeable doctrine of Darwinian evolution and the origin of life from non-living matter, something that has been attempted countless times with ZERO success, but it is still considered sound science. Um, if you can’t make it happen again, it ain’t science.
Actually, Keith, evolution is not something a scientist does in an experiment – it’s something that happens in nature over a long period of time.
The statement wasn’t “if you can’t make it happen on demand.” It was if you can’t make it happen again.
As for “whoever wrote this,” try looking at the byline – it’s me. :-)
Hello e-patient Dave, thank you for your preceding explanations to comments/questions. I’ve been definitely intrigued with her claims, the video, the subsequent censoring by YouTube & FB taking video down based upon misinformation, falsehoods, etc. My questions are this?
1. In Dr Judy’s interview, she clearly uses a lot of scientific vocabulary, what would you say are her top 3-5 scientific claims you agree with? There must be some statemeets of scientific validity to her interview…..right??
2. This video had many other doctors being interviewed/self webcams questioning the pressure to diagnose &/or document death as a covid death with them asking why the pressure?? Yet no one who comes out against Dr. Judy brings any of these other doctors claims up, why not?
3. Since Dr Judy is clearly calling out Dr. Fauci as directing the corruption, Dr. Redfield, Dr. Gallo, these are huge accusations so I’m wondering, why aren’t those doctors filing lawsuits against her for these severe accusations?
4. Curious on your opinion on why FB would now censor this video whereas when Zuckerberg testified saying he’s not in the business of censoring free speech, which was an answer regarding all the proven lies, misinformation from Trump campaign….curious why all those lies, etc are allowed & won’t touch, but Dr. Judy’s interview which included many accompanying credible doctors video cam explanations/questions are removed……just makes one wonder, why???
Thank you.
Hi PJ, and thanks for your useful comments! Happy to discuss.
> censoring by YouTube & FB taking video down based upon misinformation, falsehoods, etc.
I’m not aware of any falsehoods etc – if you have specifics, we can discuss.
> 1. In Dr Judy’s interview, she clearly uses a lot of scientific vocabulary …
Well, that’s the hallmark of any charlatan – sounds credible but isn’t. (Note, I didn’t say anything about Mikovits there – I’m just saying that using fancy vocabulary doesn’t make someone competent by itself. By definition a quack sounds credible; we must evaluate their claims.
> There must be some statemeets of scientific validity to her interview…..right??
Why “must” that be true? (I ask that both about validity in general, and specifically about scientific validity.)
> no one who comes out against Dr. Judy brings any of these other doctors claims up, why not?
I can’t speak for anyone else. Just see what I said.
> why aren’t those doctors filing lawsuits against her for these severe accusations?
Well, you’re asking me to read minds, which is always hazardous, but especially for people I’ve never met.
I will note, though, that this is a good example of “what-about-ism”: when unable to refute a specific post, some will change the subject to “Well what about X??” In this case, it’s “But why aren’t the other guys suing?”
> Curious on your opinion on why FB would now censor this video…..
I guess my answer is the same: I can’t read minds and it has nothing to do with my assertions that Mikovits is a quack (as I’ve defined elsewhere) and that the movie is ridiculous in asserting that this pandemic was PLANNED. Seriously??
Just be careful – many credible *sounding* doctors. Dr Oz sounds credible, and he’s been broadly debunked.
> just makes one wonder
That’s a good thing! The question is, what do we do, when we wonder? Me, I look to my understanding of what science is: it’s based on evidence, observations, and especially the ability to get the same result repeatedly. If we didn’t have that, we wouldn’t have cars that work, computers that turn on dependably, clean food, etc.
Thanks again for the good discussion. I hope my responses are helpful.
What does science have to do with a leaked virus that may have been manipulated to become the next generation of infectious weapon.
Science works that dont explain throwing small pox on the street or sharing HIV ofcourse science does what it does in today’s advance of science people out there abuse it and have bad intentions then in the process things go out of control or do they? Only the truth is known by a few.
What are you talking about??
I’ve made clear that this site is not open to wacko conspiracy theories. Of you’re saying that this virus is definitely a leaked biological weapon, what are you basing that on?
I’ve thought about “JamJam’s” comment more. I couldn’t understand it because it’s more stupid than I could have imagined.
JamJam is suggesting that the virus was leaked, but asks what science has to do with it. JamJam: how would someone do that without scientists?
JamJam says it may have been manipulated to be a next generation weapon. JamJam: HOW YOU GONNA DO THAT WITHOUT SCIENTISTS? You sure ain’t gonna do it with conspiracy theories backed by no evidence.
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“I read nothing in your page on Plandemic about Freedom of speech” …
Right. It’s a common misconception that in the USA people can say anything they want. The constitutional reality is that the First Amendment says
This has unfortunately been distorted by agitators on both ends of the political spectrum as permission for them to say anything they want.
You are uninformed. There is no law passed by Congress preventing people from saying crazy things.
Your problem is that sensible, thinking people are telling you you’re acting crazy. That is not unconstitutional. Every time you complain about something that doesn’t exist, you’re proving why people don’t believe you! Jeepers.
As I’ve said many times, we are in a genuine emergency – thousands of deaths a week. It’s ESSENTIAL that we have an ACCURATE PICTURE of what’s happening, and fraud or BS get in the way of that.
It’s why I won’t tolerate on this blog people responding by changing the subject. (I’m not talking about you.) Changing the subject takes us off of the vital question: WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING HERE?
“…and leaving the American public to the freedom to think and react with their own conscience to anything,
I said nothing about telling people not to think! I very much wish people would, and think carefully because if someone makes a mental error with the best of intentions they can still take a wrong turn or even drive off a cliff in the fog.
“…especially toward one particular video. And debunking with other bashing information is not using actual factual documentation that has a primary source of information connected,…”
Honestly I think you’re getting confused here. I specifically noted the many other articles that have detailed the many lies in Mikovits’s words in the video.
“…nor does other opinions or disrespectful language lend any credibility to your own name.”
I’ve been very puzzled at how many people have said I better watch out for my credibility. Did somebody tell you to tell me that?? If you mean YOU won’t believe me, then just say so. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me.
Re disrespectful language: I will call a liar a liar. I do not respect liars, nor conspiracy theorists. You’re welcome to if you want; I make a point of thinking carefully.
“And if Plandemic is false, then the Bible says “The lip of truth shall be established for ever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment” Proverbs 12:19.”
What is your point here? (Honest question. What specifically are you saying?)
btw, if Plandemic is not false, then the coronavirus was planned, in a conspiracy going back to John D. Rockefeller and Hitler. Do you believe that?
“So what are you afraid of?”
What on earth are you talking about?
The woman wrote two books as insurance for her life. Unless you read them you have no right to call it debunked. I love to remind that people were called stupid for believing LSD and mind control was going on. That is until the govt declassified documents and admitted to project MK Ultra. Also most people have no clue vaccine courts exist and the tax on vaccines goes to fund them. Fact checking sites use main stream media to check facts. LOL. Main stream media is funded by pharmaceutical companies. Just watch the commercials. I think anything that scares people gets labeled as a conspiracy. A lawyer wrote the first book about this woman. People are named. She’s going to great lengths to make up a story. If you aren’t aware of how ACIP is exempt from conflicts of interest in having stock in big pharma you’re just another idiot roaming the country believing the govt wants to protect you and has you in their best interest. Good luck with that.
I watched her interviews and at no time did she suggest there was some kind of nwo plan in the offing.. she was actually asked if she thought their was a wider conspiracy going on and she made a point of saying she’s not big on conspiracy theories.. so I’m afraid it’s you who is talking rubbish.. she’s accused Fauci of his own cover up, but that’s all she’s done.. it’s blatantly obvious that you’re the one trying to cover something up, and doing an absolutely terrible job at it
Hi Nicola, and thanks for a thoughtful and specific response. I appreciate it.
> at no time did she suggest there was some kind of nwo plan in the offing
I don’t know what an NWO plan is, but please note that I made two separate assertions: Mikovits is a quack, and, separately, the assertion that the COVID-19 epidemic was PLANNED, part of a century-long conspiracy involving the Nazis and now backed by Bill Gates, is insane.
I presume you haven’t had the time to read the various debunking links in my post, for instance on her assertion that “all flu vaccines contain coronaviruses.” That’s LUNATIC: you can’t build immunity against one disease by embedding something TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. She’s NUTS.
So, I’ll say, you’re way way wrong if you think all she did was accuse Fauci of his own coverup.
I trust you don’t think COVID-19 is a planned epidemic (“plandemic”)!
But again, I do appreciate your saying specifically what you mean. Happy to continue, if you do want to support the “plandemic” claim.
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Amos, I approved your comment although I believe you’re a half wit.
If you think the existence if money in an industry means it’s a crock, then I hope you don’t use computers or smartphones or the internet. Oops.
You should be ashamed of yourself, giving people advice with that kind of mind.
Great article. Thanks for the dose of sanity — which is sorely lacking in the world today. This is now the “dis-information age” with all the wacky conspiracy theories on so many different platforms.
Sorry but this guys credentials are about 3 seconds long. I’ll go with the guy who has 650 peer reviewed published papers more than anyone else on the planet in the same field. Plus a list of credentials about 3hours long. Referring to Peter McCullough. Zdogg is propaganda at its finest. Kind a disrespectful to you considering the people he’s bashing. I guess you can do that when big Pharma is footing your bills.
So, here, people, is an insane hallucinating commenter.
May I ask on what basis you assert that big pharma is footing my bills? Careful – don’t come back and say “They MUST be, or else my view of the world is all wrong.” :-) :-)
[From Dave: as I said in my reply to this comment, it appears to be from someone who didn’t actually read my post, or even its headline, because she didn’t say a word about that. This is a clear sign of someone who can’t focus on a complex question long enough to think it out, and I won’t tolerate it! THINK, people!]
Well, this blog didn’t age well did it. I just read through the comments. Now economist and PhD Jeffrey Sachs is touting that it may not only have been a lab leak but that it was created on US soil. He was chair of the Lancet Commission. Just go find some way to attack his credibility. It is unreal the lengths people go to.Thank you for all that question this blogger. Over the last year anyone who speaks against Fauci, Gates or otherwise is attacked as a conspiracy theorist.Other captured folks by the pharma industry influence bloggers like this and people think by saying Judy is whacked without defending any point that she actually brings up in the video, that it debunks everything.Ignore the data. Go after the credibility of every expert that speaks against you. And try to close the book. That is big pharma in a nutshell.So Mikovitz is no different.Tell us we are changing the subject but Fauci continues to be wrong and is now touting his four boosted miracle vaccine along with Paxlovid, a dangerous drug that he has now rebounded with and tested positive AGAIN for Covid. So much for his pharma sales arm. He can’t even get himself well and now taking a second round of Paxlovid against his own country’s public health recommendations. Just take Ivermectin and call it a day dude. Oh right, but you’ve “debunked” IVM. Lol. In all those fraudulent studies on a drug that they can’t profit on, so they have to have a propaganda campaign around it.When will people wake up to the billions of dollars of lobbying, attacks, doctors who publish peer reviewed studies showing a pharma drug doesn’t work and they are stalked and attacked…(I know one personally). Big pharma doesn’t care one iota about you. Merck’s fake study in 2009: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-merck-allegations-a-fake-journal-ghostwritten-studies-vioxx-pop-songs-pr-execs-harass-reporters/Check this out, Merck had a hit list of doctors also 2009:https://www.cbsnews.com/news/merck-created-hit-list-to-destroy-neutralize-or-discredit-dissenting-doctors/
We see their playbook play out over and over. Just shift and move the narrative. Capture the Associated Press by the “Trusted” News Initiative and Reuters so that every article put out by the AP, and then recreated by various MSM sources and wah lah…you have “the news” that this blogger trusts so he personally can say he is not sponsored by Big Pharma. Just the sources that he turns to are all paid in the millions. Reuters own chair is on Pfizer’s board. Pfizer knows exactly what they are doing.Go see Vaxxed. Go watch CDC whistleblowers who kept original documents shredded by the CDC on a study they didn’t want to share with the public for 2 years. Why don’t you hear about it anywhere —because your mainstream media is sponsored by pharma. Completely captured. You won’t hear about ANY scandals from pharma. Ever. They are even trying to cover up the opioid crisis. You can’t unsee it once you see it.The propaganda never ends. Truly. It’s exhausting. This blogger just still has on the rose-color glasses. If anyone is still watching or trusting ZDogg after the Paul Offitt interview where ZDogg is literally laughing multiple times with a glib smile at such serious accusations that the FDA has no data to give the C-19 vax to kids —-and now it is distributed to the world….well the US at least because 8 other countries have woken up and stopped it due to lack of data. .Zdogg doesn’t give a rip about your kids, their safety and finds the horrific lack of due process of the FDA funny apparently. His attitude is so flippant and disgusting. It will never be funny we are recommending a vaccine based on no data that will injure and cause death to children as it has already done. Go watch that interview. I question anyone who puts one ounce of credence into that guy.Follow Claire Craig and the Hart Group and watch her go over the Pfizer children study. The FDA just breezed right over it. As Paul Offitt said on the FDA committee…they only have 48 hours to review 400 pages. I’m truly saddened by our public health and regulatory systems. They are failing America.We are witnessing a nation of healthy people dying in their sleep for no good reason. If you don’t know someone personally that was healthy that died in their sleep over the last year that was vaccinated, just wait, you will. I know two. Second one just happened two nights ago. Double boosted. Healthy. Died in their sleep. It’s an epidemic.Hi Louisa – thanks for stopping by.
Did you read my post before commenting on it? It appears not since hardly anything you typed has anything to do with it. This is how the entire society is degenerating into food fights that cannot stick to a single topic long enough to sort it out. Stop that!
Excuse me, you did mention Mikovits in passing, but didn’t say a thing about my points on her being a quack, nor that the movie is lunacy. Instead, you did the standard sloppy-brain “WhatAboutIsm” thing, saying “Well pharma is corrupt” and even suggesting that I’m paid off by them.