I’m going to do something unusual (for me) – drop a video in here and not try to explain much about it. It’s about the future but don’t have any particular prediction, except that things are going to be changing really fast, as in scary fast. So you might want to loosen up your thinking. (I’m not affiliated with any of this; these are my own thoughts.)
Fair warning: this will look like lunacy, and I won’t get into big arguments about it here. You might want to watch this a minute at a time, perhaps pausing every time the whiteboard gets erased – it’s too much to take in all at once.
This is also the world depicted by my friend and colleague in Budapest, Dr. Bertalan Mesko (aka @Berci), who calls himself a “medical futurist.” Unusual, huh? Well, you can’t look at today’s medical reality (as amazing as it is) with the same mindset as you can with the “exponential” mindset.
Why do I think this is valid?