David Nash is Dean of the School of Population Health at Jefferson University (@JeffersonJSPH) in Philadelphia. Last week at the Maine Hospital Association’s (MHA) Summer Forum he and I both spoke. His talk was titled “Demand Better: Revive Our Broken Healthcare System.”
I hear a lot of speeches, and this one hit me between the eyes in a number of ways, combining some facts I’d heard before in new ways, mixed in with personal experiences. I hope to blog about several of these points (with his blessing); this is the first.
The story
The appendix of Let Patients Help is titled “Stop the Denial.” It’s about the reality that medicine is inherently hazardous, and medical staff pretty much work without a net. As I like to say, “In my own work I live through the Undo key, but clinicians don’t have one.” And they don’t work in a system that prevents human error.
Result? As the book says,
Did you know that in the best hospitals in America, 1 in 20 surgical patients dies of a complication? After the surgery? [HospitalSafetyScores.org] (In the worst hospitals it’s 1 in 6.) Hard to believe, yes?
If you were considering surgery, wouldn’t that change your thinking? Wouldn’t it make “Let’s wait a bit” seem like a prudent thought?