Correction 4/12: I’m glad to say that there are in fact several patient speakers at TEDMED. There was a massive communication disconnect in the months leading up to this TEDMED, leading to my impression that there were no patient speakers; I hope to find out how it happened. So I’m editing out those points in the post below. The bottom line remains that we should certainly vote to be sure The Role of the Patient is recognized by TEDMED as one of the Great Challenges facing healthcare.
I apologize to anyone misled by what I wrote because of the disconnect.
Please go to the Great Challenges page
and vote for #19, The Role of the Patient.
The top 20 will be selected. At this writing we’re #4 – down from #1 two hours ago.
See other patient-centered suggestions below.
The event: A number of SPM members are at TEDMED, the big high-profile conference happening this week at the Kennedy Center in Washington. As I’ve discussed with the conference organizers, I have a great concern that the event is conceived from the old-school perspective: it’s about the business of medicine, not about whether patients are getting the care they need.
In the list of 70 speakers, there is not a single patient. We must vote.
18 months ago TEDMED opened with a spectacular patient story from Charity Tillemann-Dick. This year there are none.We must vote.