I just learned today that my proposal for South By Southwest has been accepted. This is a Big Deal in the world of public speaking, or so I’m told – I’ve never been there. (I’m such a newbie at this big-event stuff…)
The title of my proposal: “Let Patients Help: Why Healthcare Must Wake Up.”
Here’s my original post, with the full description of what I proposed.
Thank you to all who voted for it. Public votes are only part of the process, but if there had been no support, I’m sure it would have flopped.
Next step will be to figure out how to get there… it’s a lot o’ time and a lot o’ money, but you gotta do what you gotta do. And if at all possible, you don’t pass up SxSW. Last year I didn’t even apply, because my circumstances made it not even close to possible. This year it’s within reach.