I’ve been blogging about personal responsibility, particularly understanding the risks of emerging into an uncertain world and taking effective action to protect ourselves.
[Read more…]The next risk: sick people who can’t afford to stay home from work
Last week I wrote about emerging from quarantine (if you want to – it’s optional) into a world where we can’t know with certainty what’s safe and where danger is. My primary focus was “It’s going to be dangerous out there because a lot of people are rejecting common sense science.” But this weekend we learned of an additional risk: workers who can’t afford to stay home sick.
[Read more…]Re-opening into uncertainty, dangers, lessons and lies: what will *you* do?
It’s happening: we’re coming out of our caves, and life is not like it was when we went in, back in March. There are new dangers and much uncertainty, even as science is bringing rapid new knowledge (amid overblown headlines). And there are liars fouling the air. What to do?
I posted this on Facebook the other day:
[Read more…]“Plandemic” and Judy Mikovits are COVID-19 conspiracy-theory quackery
Copying this from Facebook last night …
You will soon encounter this recurring antivax / Deep State conspiracy scammer Judy Mikovits, who’s now in a conspiracy movie “Plandemic,” including attacking her long-ago boss Anthony Fauci. The movie ads and promo clips going around are credible-looking well-produced videos full of BS. Don’t fall for it.
[Read more…]The problem with “herd immunity” as a COVID-19 strategy
Caution: This post is not a prediction. It’s just a tutorial about the concept of herd immunity, with an eye to why it’s probably not an approach the US wants to take in solving the complex problems we’ve gotten ourselves into with COVID-19.
Click this graphic to go see a six second animation of these images, created in 2017 by Reddit user TheOtherEdmund. You many need to watch a few times. Get a feel for the differences in what happens in the different blocks, and come back to discuss:
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Semmelweis: The gross, tragic story of when humanity learned handwashing saves lives
On Saturday I heard a podcast that gave me a deeper, more sobering version of a story I heard years ago: the story of Ignaz Semmelweis, the doctor who figured out that he could stop killing women (in obstetrics) by washing his hands. Of course they tie it to how important handwashing is in fighting COVID-19, and why.
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