As I said Thursday, I spent the week at University Medical Center Nijmegen, an hour’s drive southeast of Amsterdam, where Lucien Engelen heads up a program called REshape – reshaping healthcare with patients truly at the center. I mean, at the center – not just the topic of discussion.
On Wednesday we held the first e-Patient Boot Camp, the six hour intensive, in-depth compilation of topics. That was a thrill – to see an action-oriented academic medical center seriously sinking its teeth into what this all means and what they can do with it, starting this week. And the night before we had a terrific prolog: an “e-Patient Workshop,” conceived and organized by REshape’s Stan Janssen. Here’s what it looked like:
(Stan is standing next to the screen.)
We started with lecture – the basics of e-patient-ness. But this time it was different, because the audience was six groups of patients with a common disease, each with one or more physicians who treat that disease, at that hospital. It was the first event I’ve seen where a hospital got to work on making participatory medicine a reality: patients networking, working closely with physicians, who welcome them as partners.