Time Video has just published a video (below) that rocked me on this Sunday morning. It’s time to talk about something that used to be an important part of my life, and will be again: barbershop harmony.
Readers of my first book Laugh, Sing, and Eat Like a Pig know that before, during and after my disease, a huge part of my support came from the men in my chorus, the Nashua Granite Statesmen. At the time they were the northeast champions of the Barbershop Harmony Society, formerly known as SPEBSQSA. They’re the “sing” in the book’s title: shortly after learning I had cancer I asked my physician (Dr. Danny Sands) if I should stop going to rehearsals to save energy, and he said no: at times like this it’s not good to start dropping life activities that you love.
Amen. And I told people that my cancer Rx included singing – “Could be worse!” [Read more…]