At right: Cover story in Healthcare IT News, Nov 2013
See also recent coverage
- December 18, American Marketing Association: The Conversation Revolution
- November 27, Mobile World Capital: ePatients: Changing Healthcare with Technology
- November 24, Health IT and mHealth’s Patient Safety page
- November 3, HIT Consultant: 15 Influential ePatients and Patient Advocates to Follow
- October 22, Mayo Clinic, Social Media Health Network: Mayo Chiefs Name a Patient as 2015 Visiting Professor
- October 22, MedCity News: The Mayo Clinic names “e-Patient Dave” Visiting Professor
- October 21, Forbes: Health Care’s Age of Enlightenment
- September 29, Boothbay Register: Dr. Stephen Cook launches patient empowerment initiative
- September 29, Pharma Forum Live: When should the patient be involved? (about this post from ESMO 2014)
- September 9, Burlington Free Press: Medical information network starts to roll out
- August 28, Neuro (in Swedish): e-Patient Dave och Riggare fick snurr på Workshopen “Let Patient Help!” (about a half day workshop at Karolinska Institute)
- August 19, My News Desk (in Swedish): Improving care with digital support – the world will gather at Digital Health Days
- August 4, 2014: HIT Consultant blog (Bob Rowley): The Role of Claims Data in HealthIT: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- July 23, Boothbay Register: Cancer survivor advocates for more patient involvement with physicians
- July 15, US News: 10 Lessons from Empowered Patients
- June 30, AHRQ WebM&M: In Conversation with…Dave deBronkart (“e-Patient Dave”) (interview with Bob Wachter)
- June 16, Boston Globe: Medical Records at Your Fingertips
- June 12, Pulse IT: PCEHR future, e-Patient Dave and YouTube wunderkind at HIC
- June 6, Medisch Contact (in Dutch): Grote Broer (“Big Brother”) – Bart Brandenburg
- June 4, Stockholm breathes life into digital health with a new business conference (about the upcoming digital health conference in August)
- May 29, eBioTrade (in Chinese): translation of the Nature News IL-2 article below
- May 28, The Dartmouth (student newspaper): Institute to explore patient choice (about the Summer Institute for Informed Patient Choice)
- May 28, Nature News: Old cancer drug gets fresh look (about the drug I received, HDIL-2)
- May 22, Health Leaders: After a Medical Error, Patients Could Become Hospital Insiders
- May, Pharma Times: Time for Pharma to Step Up
- April 30, HealthData Management: Turning the Battleship Toward Engagement
- April 17, The Oncology Report: How to Engage Patients in their Health (interview with Dr. Danny Sands)
- April 10, Healthcare Informatics: How the Patient Engagement Movement is Evolving
- March 17, Health Central: Let Patients Help! – Must-Read for People with Migraines and Headaches
- March 14, Becker’s Hospital Review: 3 Insights on Social Media and Healthcare From E-Patient Dave.
- March, Health Ed: From Patients to e-Patients: The Changing Landscape of Patient Behavior in Healthcare
- February 26, Healthcare IT News: H.I.T. Men & Women award celebrates health IT game changers
- February 24, Healthcare Informatics: deBronkart: Let the Patients Help, Live from HIMSS 2014
- February 23, Unofficial Guide to HIMSS Guides blog: Things @ePatientDave Says About #PatientEngagement (digest of tweets about my keynote Sunday morning in the patient/consumer symposium)
- February, American Nurse Today: The patient engagement imperative
- December 26, Modern Healthcare blog: New ONC head DeSalvo gets small Twitter boost
- December 16, MobiHealthNews: ePatient 2015: “Care-hacking” a convoluted healthcare system
- December 11, The Courage And Triumph Of The Patient
- Also on Huffington Post a week later
- December 11, De Specialist (Brussels, in Dutch): e-Patient Dave: Let Patients Help (p. 6)
- December 9, Pharmacy Times: Patient-Centered Care: Give Patients a Shovel
- December 5, CBC Radio: Brian Goldman’s “White Coat, Black Art” program – The Guru and the Hackers
- Extended interview here (25:35)
- November 19, MobiHealthNews: ‘E-Patient Dave’ tells medical informatics group to let patients help (by Neil Versel)
- November 19, HáziPatika: (“clinic” – Hungarian): Közreműködő orvoslás: orvos és beteg közösen gyógyít (Participatory Medicine: doctors and patients heal together)
- November 18, Healthcare IT News: HIT pioneer Morris Collen celebrates centennial
- November 5, WebORVOS (“Web Doctors” – Hungarian): Az orvoslás alapvetően változni fog a digitális világban (Medicine will fundamentally change the digital world)
- November 2013, Healthcare IT News: ePatient Dave: Voice of the Patient (cover story)
- October 5, New Haven Register: Cancer survivor ‘e-Patient Dave’ has a bit of advice for all of us
- September 30, La Vera Cronaca (Italian): Salute Partecipata: la rivoluzione passa dalla Rete (“Participatory health: revolution via the Internet”)
- September 18, Hartford Courant: Patients Urged To Be Active Partners In Health Care At First-Ever Conference
- September 17, Healthcare IT News: Mostashari launches National Health IT Week with a question: Is the time now? by Diana Manos.
- September 9, Hartford Courant: First-of-its-kind Health Care Forum brings together Providers, Patients by Conn Health I-Team Staff.
- August 12, Reuters US: Electronic health records still require manual labor by Beth Pinsker.
- June 3, WRAL TechWire: ‘e-patient Dave’ dishes on big data’s looming health care impact
- May 7, Daily Finance: Dr. Peter Diamandis and ‘e-Patient Dave’ deBronkart keynote SAS Health Care & Life Sciences Executive Conference
- April 11, USA Today: Doctors urged to pause before they post, text or e-mail by Kim Painter. (I wasn’t the one urging restraint…)
- April 11, Regina Post-Leader: e-Patient Dave and the culture of change
- April 10, Global News Canada: Saskatchewan health summit looking to ‘let patients help’
- April 8, Forbes: Data War Reaches Supreme Court, by Dan Munro
- March 29, Huffington Post: Online Physician Reputation Management: An Interview with @KevinMD, by Phil Simon
- March 20, Health IT: HIMSS 2013, An interview with e-Patient Dave, by Jamie Churchill
- March 20, Healthcare Technology Online: A Perfect Storm For Price Transparency
- March 13, Times-Standard: Patient engagement: Taking an active role in your health care by Jessica Osborne-Stafsnes
- February 22, Kaiser Health News: Activist Ignites A Movement For Patients Through Art And Story (about Regina Holliday)
- February 21, Buffalo News: Effects of Web on health decisions probed
- February 19, El Huffington Post: ¿Es posible una salud aumentada? (in Spanish)
- February 18, You Tube: Let Patients Help Heal Health Care Presentation by “e-Patient Dave”
- February 13, Healthivate: The Power of Being a Health Activist Blogger (guest post)
- February 1, Medical Marketing & Media: Patient Education Report: Patients on Call
- January 29, Information Week: e-Patient Dave and the New Excellence: Consumerism Comes to the Medical Market
- January 25, HIMSS blog: Value of social media in healthcare is already outlined – just not realized
- January 15, USA Today: 35% of Americans ask Dr. Google for medical diagnoses Quoted on Susannah Fox’s new report “Online Health”
- Podcast January 11, Healthcare Informatics: e-Patient Dave: The Future, Past of Patient Engagement, Part 1
- January 4, iHealthBeat, Reporting Technology’s Impact on Health Care: 11 Experts on Health IT Progress, Frustrations and Hopes for 2013
- December 20, Forbes: 13 to watch in 2013: The Unsung Heroes Changing Health Care Forever by Leah Binder, Leapfrog Group CEO
- December 18, Health Works Collective: High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series (with Joan Justice)
- November 2, Healthivate: e-Patient Dave is coming to Australia for a series of blogger masterclasses
- October 31, SearchHealthIT: Tech may facilitate it, but patient engagement remains clinician’s job
- October 25, Oncology Times: Profiles in Oncology Social Media (interview with Lola Butcher)
- October 18, TEDMED blog: What makes a doctor-patient partnership flourish? (Video interview with Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. James Merlino, Chief Experience Officer)
- October 15, Tom Peters’ blog: Engaging and Empowering Patients (about our panel at the 2012 Quality Colloquium)
- October 9, iHealthBeat: Blue Button for Patients: More Than Just a Lapel Pin
- October 9, New Hampshire Union Leader: Disrupting health care and education: Local innovators share their startups Coverage of Disruptivate N.H. business event
- October 7, Midwest MLA: e-Patient Dave tells us to “Get Bothered!”
- October 2, “The Signal: Digital Preservation” blog (Library of Congress): Developing a Health and Medicine Blogs Collection at the U.S. National Library of Medicine Announcing that they’re archiving my blog in the National Library of Medicine
- September 24, TechTarget: Automated Blue Button, patient engagement are Health Camp hot topics (I love this one – I wasn’t even at this HealthCamp!)
- TV – September 20, WPFO, Portland, ME: “Good Day Maine” – 4 minute segment on Fox 23
- September 20, Bangor Daily News: Cancer survivor urges patients to get involved in their health care (with 31 second vid clip)
- September 17, Cardiovascular Business: E-patient Dave: ‘Let patients help’ Coverage of Medicine 2.0 keynote
- August 3, Via Christi Women’s Connection, Via Christi Health: You Own Your Health
- August 3, HealthcareITNews: Know thy health record
- July 10, HealthcareITNews: ONC launches video challenge to spur PHR use
- June 22, MEDCITY News: Startup working toward apps via RX, smartphones covered by insurance
- June 6, The Atlantic: Are Computers Getting Between You and Your Doctor?
- May 25, PLoS Blogs: The order is rapidly fading
- May 14, Paul Levy: What Do We Get for Our Money at Hospitals?
- May 10, FierceEMR News: Experts: Use patients to reduce errors in electronic records
- May 9, Proposed MU Rules Draw Strong Reaction
- May 6, Forbes – Pharma & Healthcare: Hospital Association “Declares War” on Patient Empowerment
- April 12, TEDMED 2013 Blog: Great Challenges: Voting underway
April 2, Artsennet: Gelijkwaardige relatie sleutel tot herstel
- March 31, MDWebPro interview – part 2
- March 30, TEDx followed live in Ede, Gelderland Valley Hospital
- March 28, MDWebPro interview – part 1
- March, Physicians Practice magazine: Physicians, Patients, and the Internet
- March-April, Health Progress magazine (Catholic Hospital Association):
- Empowered Patients Are Here to Stay (PDF)
- Editorial: When Doctors Admit What They Don’t Know (PDF) (Awesome stories from the editor’s life of patient engagement – and a doctor who “Googled it”)
March 20, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore (Italian): Etica, salute, equità
- March 12, Involve consumers more in healthcare planning: patient advocateMarch 8, Newswise, Inc.: AMGA (American Medical Group Association) Press Release: Record Attendance as the Best in Health Care Gather for Networking and Professional Development at the AMGA 2012 Annual Conference
- March 7, Power to the Patient
March 1, Diario Digital (Portuguese): Conhecidos os primeiros oradores de TEDx O’Porto 2012
- February 23, PatientsLikeMe: E-Patient Dave’s Top Internet Resources
- January 13, Angie’s List magazine: Empowered patients receive the best health care
- January 6, MedCity News: Who Are Klout’s Top 10 healthcare social media “influencers”?
- January 4, Fierce Health IT: Social media patients deserve a following, too
- December 21, Vermont Public Radio: Patients Want To Read Doctors’ Notes, But Many Doctors Balk
- Reuters coverage of OpenNotes:
- December 20, Atlantic: Do You Want to Be Able to Read and Share Your Doctor’s Records?
December 20, (Spanish): Los pacientes quieren leer y compartir sus registros Clinicos
- December 20, Reuters India: Patients want to read, share their medical record
- December 4, Huffington Post: How an Empowered Patient Recovered From Stage IV Cancer and Found a Higher Calling
- November 29, Forbes: A Graphic Use Of Drugs: How One Patient Visualized His Health Data
November 21, Redaccion Medica (Spanish): ‘LIBRO BLANCO DEL E-PACIENTE’: El autocuidado del paciente como vía de ahorro sanitario (about the Spanish translation of the e-Patient White Paper)
- November 18, MD News: Participatory Medicine.
- October 25, Medsider interview: “Message to medical device companies: Let Patients HELP!” (with Hugo Campos and Bennet Dunlap)
- October 16, American Journal of Nursing: Leveling the Research Field Through Social Media
October 11, Business Daily (Africa): Why Medical Records Search is a Priority
- September 30, MIT Technology Review: Cancer, Then a Calling, for ‘e-Patient Dave’
September 29, Skipr (in Dutch) Radboud geeft studenten eHealth-les (“Radboud gives students eHealth class”)
- September 26, Hospitals & Health Networks Linking Hospitals with Patients: The Power of Social Media
- September 26, MarketWatch: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel & HHS’ Todd Park Headline Health Information Technology Conference
- September 13, Market Watch: Social Media Residency Caps Social Media Week at Mayo Clinic
September 5, Skipr (magazine & site for Dutch health executives): UMC St. Radboud start REshape Academy
- September 2, Medical Facts.NL (in Dutch): UMC St Radboud opent de Radboud REshape Academy (“UMC Radboud Opens REshape Academy”)
- July 28, FoxBusiness: New Medical FICO Score Sparks Controversy, Questions
- July 17, PatientsLikeMe: Let Patients Help: The Undying Mission of E-Patient Dave
- June 15, Miller-McCune: Can Health Privacy, Electronic Medical Records Coexist?
June 6, Diario do Grande ABC (Brazil): ‘E-Patients’ se envolvem no próprio tratamento (“e-Patients engage in their own treatment”)
- June, Wired: Hold That Thought (about using speech recognition to capture thoughts)
- May 24, Reuters Health: Most Cancer Patients Like Full Access to Records
May 19, 2011, (Belgium, in Dutch): Voka Health Community wordt kennis- en “doe”-platform
May 14, 2011, The National Post (Canada): The Expert Patient: Who knows best, the doctor or the patient?
- May 5, 2011, Top News US: Patients prefer to view their medical records
April 30, 2011, The Marker: Marker Week (Israel / Hebrew): How Cancer Patient Dave deBronkart is Healthy Thanks to the Internet
- April 28, 2011, Government Health IT: NeHC to consumers: Take charge of your health
- SPEAKER April 6, 2011, British Medical Journal: (podcast transcript) Shared Decision Making: Welcome to the Century of the Patient (subscription required)
- March 22, 2011, British Medical Journal: Salzburg Statement on Shared Decision Making (subscription required)
February 28, 2011, CNN Mexico (in Spanish): Las películas de Hollywood inspiran a pacientes a combatir enfermedades (translation of US column below)
- February 28, 2011, Health Care Engagement Strategy: Insights on the future of the patient – An interview with “e-Patient Dave” deBronkart.
- February 24, 2011, CNN: The Empowered Patient Goes to Hollywood Quoted on the empowered patient aspect of the Oscar-winning film “The King’s Speech.”
- October 15, Ohio State: P4 Medicine Begins with Patients, Experts Say
- October 5, 2010, Edelman Digital: Health Digital Check-Up: E-Patient Connections